Smart PDF Tools Features

Split PDF

Smart PDF Tools offers several Split settings:

  • Split a PDF into page ranges
  • Split each page into a new PDF
  • Split odd or even pages

The original document is not altered in any of the Split operations.


Merge PDF

With this feature you can merge several PDFs into a single PDF. All you have to do is to add the PDFs that you want to merge and click Merge. The original document is not altered.


Extract PDF

This feature allows you to extract certain pages from a PDF. You can either set it to extract a particular page or extract page ranges. Again, just add your file, select the pages that you want to Extract and click Extract. The original document is not altered.


PDF Security

Smart PDF Tools allows you to add several security features to a PDF. You can encrypt your PDF file and set a password to prevent other people from accessing the document. You can also prevent printing the document, content copy or extraction, commenting, form filling or editing. The original document is not altered.


Digitally sign PDF files

Like a hand-written signature, a digital signature proves that you have created or agree with a document. By electronically signing a PDF, you achieve two goals:

  • The recipient of the document can be sure that it came from you.
  • The recipient of the document can be sure that the document has not been changed after the signature was applied.


Insert Pages

The insert feature enables you to insert all pages or a number of pages from one PDF document into another. You can insert the pages at the beginning, at the end or at a location inside the PDF.


Remove Pages

The Remove pages feature simply allows you to remove certain pages from a PDF document. Both the Insert and the Remove features do not alter the original document.


Insert Bookmarks / Create a Table of Contents

With PDF bookmarks you can easily access a certain page in a PDF file. You can organize your bookmarks in groups giving them a hierarchical structure and thus creating a Table of Contents.


Insert Watermarks

Watermarks are images or text printed on your documents. You can use them to put your company logo on every page or to show the status of a document, such as Paid, Personal, etc. You can adjust the position, font, color, opacity and rotation of a watermark. You can remove or edit previously added watermarks.


Insert Stamps

By using stamps you can show the status of a PDF. Smart PDF Tools comes with several predefined stamps such as Approved, Sold, Final, Expired and others. You can also create your custom stamps and use them in your PDFs.


Add Attachments

Attachments are another handy feature of PDF. You can add a file attachment to a PDF to bundle related files together.
The readers can access the attached files by clicking the paper clip icon in Adobe Reader or any other PDF reader that supports attachments. They can open or save attached files to their local computer.


Convert PDFs

With Smart PDF Tools (Pro version), you can convert PDF documents to editable file formats such as Word DOC, RTF, Excel XLS, TXT or HTML. You can also convert PDF files to image formats such as JPEG or TIFF.


Create PDFs

With Smart PDF Tools (Pro version), you can also create PDFs from any printable document.


PDF Tools Standard

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PDF Tools Pro

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Only in the Pro version: Convert PDF to Word, Excel, JPEG. Create PDF from any printable document.